1. Information audit
2. Privacy notice
3. Consent form – marketing
4. Consent form – special category data (eg allergy test records, beauty consultation forms)
5. Consent form – children under 16
6. Response to consents given
7. Data retention policy
8. Procedure for personal data breaches
The templates provided are intended to help your preparations for GDPR as straightforward as possible, giving you examples to follow rather than starting with a completely blank sheet!
Every business is different, so you will need to adapt the templates to make sure they fit your own hairdressing, barbering or beauty business. Only you know what personal information you hold, how you use it, who you share it with, the marketing activities carried out and your own operating practices.
The templates are therefore in Word format so you can easily edit them and add your own logo or letterhead. Information in square brackets is unlikely to apply to every hairdressing, barbering or beauty business so these will need to be changed to suit your circumstances, but changes to other text may also be required, so please read it carefully.
The templates provided within this toolkit are for information and guidance purposes only and must not be used as a substitute for seeking legal advice. The information is correct at the time of writing.
Information audit for The Howell Partnership Ltd T/A Mad Lillies
Type of personal data held |
Where held eg salon software, paper |
What you use the data for |
Where you got the data from |
Do you have consent? |
Who you share it with (if anyone) |
CLIENT DATA: Name Contact details (address, phone number, email) Client history eg colour, consultation records Allergy test records for hair colour
Salon Software and some still on client cards if they do not come in often and have not yet updated the software.
To contact clients in case Stylist sick or in case they do not arrive for their appointment. To ensure we can carry out the colour without any allergic reactions and to be able to use recipe as per the last visit. |
From the client. |
Yes. |
No one. |
EMPLOYEE DATA: Contact details (address, phone number, email) Emergency contacts/next of kin Medical information CVs Job applications Training records Disciplinary records Appraisals / performance reviews [list other employee data held]
FINANCIAL DATA: Suppliers Invoices Bank account details Credit/debit card details Payment history [list other financial data held]
MARKETING DATA: Mailing lists (email, text, post) Loyalty scheme members Social media [list other marketing data held]
Date completed ……………………………………………………………..
Privacy notice for Mad Lillies
This privacy notice explains how Mad Lillies looks after personal information you give us or that we learn by having you as a client and the choices you make about marketing communications you agree we may send you. This notice explains how we do this and tells you about your privacy rights and how the law protects you.
- What information we collect about you
- How information about you will be used
- Marketing
- Employment
- How long your information will be kept for
- Where your information is kept
- Access to your information and correction
- Cookies
- Other websites
- Changes to our privacy notice
- How to contact us
We collect information about you when you book an appointment for a service or treatment, visit the salon or barbershop for a service or treatment, buy a product or apply for a job, whether contact is online, on paper, by email or over the phone.
The information you give us may include your name, address, email address, phone number, relevant history which may suggest that a service or treatment should not go ahead or certain products should not be used (eg allergies, pregnancy, skin conditions), payment and transaction information, IP address and CVs.
For clients under the age of 16, we will only keep and use their personal information with the consent of a parent, carer or guardian.
In law, we are allowed to use personal information, including sharing it outside the salon/ barbershop, only if we have a proper reason to do so, for example:
- To fulfil a contract with you ie to provide the service or treatment you have requested and to communicate with you about your appointments.
- We will contact you via phone or SMS to confirm appointments booked and remind you of upcoming appointments. We consider your having made the appointment as consent to undertake this activity but if you want you may opt out at any time.
- Appointments ratings and reviews. After visiting us we send you an email or SMS asking you to rate our services and provide feedback. We consider your agreement and participation in the service as consent to undertake this activity but if you want you may opt out at any time.
- When it is in our legitimate interest ie there is a business or commercial reason to do so, unless this is outweighed by your rights or interests
- When you consent to it: we will always ask for your consent to hold and use health and medical information.
We will therefore share your information with:
- Providers of our salon software system [Shortcuts]
We have rigorous data protection and security policies in place with all our suppliers.
[Some of the people working in our salon/barbershop are self-employed. Where software systems and reception facilities are shared, our self-employed colleagues will have access to your information.]
We will not share your information with any other third party without your consent except to help prevent fraud, or if required to do so by law.
We would like to send you information about products and services which may be of interest to you. We will ask for your consent to receive marketing information.
If you have consented to receiving marketing, you may opt out at a later date.
You have the right at any time to stop us from contacting you for marketing purposes or giving your information to third party suppliers of products or services. If you no longer wish to be contacted for marketing purposes, please contact Karen Howell.
The information we collect about employees, the purposes it is used for and who it will be shared with is set out in our employment contracts and employee handbook.
Unless you request otherwise, we will keep your information to contact you for a maximum of 1 year from your last visit to the salon/barbershop.
After a year we will delete all your personal information, except for your name, relevant client history (eg allergy test records which we keep for 4 years) and financial transactions (which we are obliged to keep for 6 years).
Information about unsuccessful job applicants will be deleted after four months.
See our data retention policy for further information, including employee data.
Your information is stored within the European Economic Area on secure servers provided by [Shortcuts)]. Any payment transactions are encrypted. Sending information via the internet is not completely secure, although we will do our best to protect your information and prevent unauthorised access.
You have the right to request a copy of the personal information that we hold about you. This will normally be free, unless we consider the request to be unfounded or excessive, in which case we may charge a fee to cover our administration costs.
If you would like a copy of some or all of your personal information, please contact [insert contact details].
We want to make sure that your personal information is accurate and up-to-date. You may ask us to correct or remove information you think is inaccurate.
You have the right to ask us to object to our use of your personal information, or to ask us to delete, remove or stop using your personal information if there is no need for us to keep it.
E-NEWSLETTERS [only include this section if you send your clients e-newsletters with subscriber tracking facilities – check with your salon software provider]
We email e-newsletters to inform you about products, services and treatments provided by our salon. You have the opportunity to unsubscribe from e-newsletters at any time.
E-newsletters may contain subscriber tracking facilities within the actual email, for example, whether emails were opened or forwarded, which links were clicked on within the email content, the times, dates and frequency of activity. We use this information to refine future email campaigns and provide you with more relevant content based around your activity.
We keep our privacy notice under regular review and we will place any updates on this webpage. This privacy notice was last updated on [25/05/2018).
Please contact us if you have any questions about our privacy notice or information we hold about you:
- By email []
- Or write to us at [34 Heath Street London NW3 6TE]
You also have the right to complain to the Information Commissioner’s Office. Find out on their website how to report a concern:
Template consent form – marketing messages
This can be sent by email, recorded electronically (eg on salon software via an Ipad) or provided as a paper record on your headed paper.
Adapt for your salon where shown with square brackets
As a valued client of [insert name of salon or barbershop] we’d like to stay in touch with you!
We take your privacy seriously, and we will only use your personal informationto manage appointments for the services or treatments we provide for you within the salon.
We would also like to contact you about little goodies such as [special offers, birthday treats, new products or loyalty scheme rewards – amend for marketing carried].
If you consent to us contacting you for these purposes, please tick to say how you would like to hear from us:
[delete any of the following communication methods you don’t use for marketing purposes]
â–¡ Post
â–¡ Email
â–¡ Phone
â–¡ Text message
You can opt out of marketing messages from us at any time. Contact [insert details]
For a copy of our privacy notice, click here [insert link or provide contact details for a copy]
Signed .......................................... Date .............................
Thank you!
Template consent form - special category data
(allergy test records / beauty consultation forms)
This can be sent by email, recorded electronically (eg on salon software or via an iPad) or provided as a paper record on your headed paper.
Adapt for your salon where shown with square brackets
At [insert name of salon / barbershop] we take your privacy seriously.
For the safety of our clients, we maintain records of any health or medical conditions which may indicate that a particular service or treatment should not go ahead (eg allergies, pregnancy, skin conditions) or a particular product should not be used (eg products containing nuts, fish oils etc).
These health records are not used for any other purpose.
Client records are held securely within our salon software system [or in a locked filing cabinet] and can only be seen by members of the salon team.
Please tick the box below if you consent to us: â–¡ Maintaining such records while you are a client â–¡ Holding such records for 4 years after your last visit, after which your records will be deleted
For a copy of our privacy notice, click here [insert link or contact details for a copy] For a copy of our policy on deleting personal information about clients, click here [insert link or contact details for a copy]
Signed …………………………………………………… Date ……………………………………………….
Thank you!
Template consent form – children under 16
This can be sent by email, recorded electronically (eg on salon software via an Ipad) or provided as a paper record on your headed paper.
Adapt for your salon where shown with square brackets
At [insert name of salon or barbershop] we take privacy seriously, especially when it concerns children or young people under the age of 16.
We will only use their personal information (name, address, phone number and date of birth*) to manage appointments for the services or treatments we provide for them within the salon.
Their personal information is securely held on our salon software [or in a secure locked cabinet (if you use paper records)]. For a copy of our privacy notice, click here [insert link or provide contact details for a copy]
We need the consent of a parent, guardian or carer (with parental responsibility) for us to hold personal information relating to a child under the age of 16.
If you consent please sign below: I …………………………………………………………………… am the parent, guardian or carer with parental responsibility (delete as appropriate) of ………………………………………………………………………. (name of child or young person under 16) and I give permission for the salon / barbershop to hold personal data about the child or young person above.
Signed …………………………………………………… Date ………………………………………………. Thank you!
*date of birth is required as some services or treatments cannot be provided to people under the age of 16 eg permanent hair colour.
Template response to consent
This can be sent by email, recorded electronically (eg on salon software via an Ipad) or provided as a paper record on your headed paper.
Adapt for your salon where shown with square brackets
At [insert name of salon or barbershop] we want to manage the personal information we hold about you in a way you’re completely happy with. You have agreed to us collecting and holding certain information about you, so we thought you’d appreciate a quick summary of what you have consented to.
Please let us know if you have any questions or you want to make changes.
Thank you for consenting to the following:
[delete as appropriate, depending on what your client has consented to]
· Providing health information to ensure we know about any conditions such as allergies, skin conditions, pregnancy which indicate that particular services / treatments / products should not be used for you
· Allowing us to keep that information for 4 years
· Providing consent for us to hold information about a child or young person under 16
· Receiving messages about [special offers, birthday treats, new products or loyalty scheme rewards] by [post, email, phone, text message]
You can opt out of marketing messages from us at any time. Contact [insert details]
For a copy of our privacy notice, click here [insert link or provide contact details for a copy]
Signed .......................................... Date .............................
Thank you!
Data retention policy
Adapt for your salon where shown with square brackets
This policy sets out what information [insert name of salon or barbershop] holds, how long we hold it for and when it will be deleted.
It also covers the procedure to follow regarding data requests.
- Information held by us
- How long is personal data held for?
- Where is personal data held?
- How is personal data deleted?
- Access to personal information, correction and deletion
We hold personal information about:
- Clients
- Former clients and prospective clients
- Employees
- Job applicants
We also hold information about financial transactions relating to these eg services or treatments provided, products bought, payroll information.
[check with your software provider what information can be deleted automatically]
We aim not to hold personal data longer than necessary.
Unless requested by an individual, the following types of data will be held for the periods shown below, after which it will be securely deleted or destroyed:
Client general records |
12 months |
Client health records |
4 years |
Financial transactions, invoices and supplier details |
6 years |
Employee records, contracts of employment, changes to terms and conditions, annual leave, training records |
While employment continues and up to 6 years after employment ends |
Payroll and wage records including PAYE, income tax, national insurance, sick pay, redundancy payments |
6 years from the financial year-end in which payments were made |
Maternity records |
3 years after the end of the tax year in which the maternity pay period ends |
Job applications (unsuccessful) |
4 months after notifying unsuccessful candidates |
Emails |
One year from the end of the month in which they were received or sent unless a longer period is relevant as above. Emails to and from ex-employees or contractors will be deleted within 2 weeks of them leaving unless these form part of the employment record – see above. |
[If you have a salon software system, check back-up arrangements with your software provider] Personal data about clients, financial transactions and employees are held on our secure salon software system which is backed up every day or held in secure electronic files electronically which can be accessed only by [insert job titles eg salon manager].
[If you hold paper records or if you don’t have a salon software system]Paper records are held in a locked cabinet or in secure archive storage.
Personal data is permanently deleted in accordance with the retention periods listed above from:
- Salon software system
- Electronic files
· Emails
- Paper records, which are securely shredded.
See our privacy notice [insert website link or provide contact details for the person who can provide a copy]
All requests for access to personal information will be handled by [insert job title].
Responses to requests will be made within 30 days.
All information relating to the individual will be compiled into a report and collected from:
- Salon software system
- Financial transactions
- Emails
- Other electronic records
- Paper records (where applicable)
Date completed ……………………………………….
Procedure for personal data breaches
Adapt for your salon where shown with square brackets
This procedure is to be followed if there is a breach of personal data. The person responsible for managing the process is [insert job title, ideally with a second person who would deal with breaches if that first person is absent].
All decisions on whether or not to notify the Information Commisioner’s Office (ICO) or individuals affected will be counter-signed by [insert job title, ideally salon owner].
This procedure covers:
· What is a personal data breach?
· What must be recorded?
· Assessing the likelihood and severity of the adverse consequences of the breach
· When do breaches have to be reported to the ICO?
· What must be reported to the ICO?
· How to report a breach to the ICO
· Telling individuals affected about a breach
· What are the consequences of failing to notify the ICO?
A breach of security leading to the accidental or unlawful destruction, loss, alteration, unauthorised disclosure of or access to, personal data.
Examples include:
· access by an unauthorised third party
· deliberate or accidental action by a data controller (the salon or barbershop) or a data processor (third party supplier, who must inform you without undue delay as soon as they become aware of it)
· sending personal data to an incorrect recipient
· computer or data storage devices containing personal data being lost or stolen
· alteration of personal data without permission
· loss of availability of personal data (ie data is made unavailable and this unavailability has a significant negative effect on individuals)
All breaches must be recorded, whether or not they need to be reported to the ICO. If you decide not to report a breach, you must be able to justify this decision and it must therefore be documented.
· The facts relating to the breach
· Its effects
· Remedial actions taken
· What caused the breach and how a recurrence could be prevented
Use the template in Appendix A to help answer the following questions:
· What is the likelihood and severity of the resulting risk to people’s rights and freedoms?
· What are the potential negative consequences to the individuals concerned?
· How serious and substantial are the consequences? Don’t forget this can include emotional distress, as well as financial, physical or material damage.
If there is a high risk of negatively affecting individuals’ rights and freedoms (scoring 6 or more points on the risk assessment template at Appendix 1), then it must be reported to the ICO. This includes personal data breaches notified to you by third party data processors.
You may also need to notify third parties such as the police, insurers, banks or credit card companies who could help to reduce the risk of financial loss to individuals.
Breaches which are likely to result in a high risk of negatively affecting individuals’ rights and freedoms must be reported no later than 72 hours after you first become aware of it. If you take longer than this, the reasons for delay must be documented.
A description of the nature of the personal data breach including:
· The categories and approximate number of individuals concerned and the categories and approximate numbers of personal data records concerned (which may be the same number)
· The name and contact details of the person who can provide more information if required
· The likely consequences of the personal data breach
· The measures taken, or proposed to be taken, to deal with the personal data breach including measures taken to mitigate any possible negative effects
The information can be provided in phases if it is not all available within 72 hours, as long as this is still done without undue further delay and you tell the ICO when to expect further information from you.
You must prioritise the investigation, give it adequate resources and deal with it urgently.
The section of the ICO website on reporting breaches has not yet been updated for GDPR. However, the following contact details are provided:
Data breaches : Call 0303 123 1113
Open Monday to Friday between 9am and 5pm, closed after 1pm on Wednesdays for staff training.
If the breach is likely to result in a high risk to the rights and freedoms of individuals (scoring 6 or more on the more points on the risk assessment template at Appendix 1), you must inform the individuals affected as soon as possible.
One of the main reasons for informing individuals is to help them take steps to protect themselves from the effects of a breach.
You need to tell individuals:
· The nature of the personal data breach
· The name and contact details of the person who can provide them with more information
· The measures taken or proposed to be taken to deal with the personal data breach and the measures taken to mitigate any possible adverse effects
If you decide not to notify individuals, you still need to notify the ICO unless you can show that the breach is unlikely to result in risks to rights and freedoms. The ICO has the power to make you inform individuals if they consider there is a high risk. The decision-making process must be documented.
A fine of up to 10 million euros or 2% of your turnover or a fine of up to 20 million euros or 4% of your turnover in the most severe cases.
Appendix A – risk assessment template for personal data breaches
Step 1 Provide brief details of the personal data breach, when it happened, how it happened and who has been affected.
Step 2 List all the possible adverse consequences of the data which has been lost, altered or access by an unauthorised person.
Step 3 How likely are those adverse consequences to occur?
Low likelihood - 1 point Medium likelihood - 2 points High likelihood - 3 points
Step 4 How serious would those adverse consequences be if they did occur?
Low impact - 1 point Medium impact - 2 points High impact - 3 points
Step 5 Produce an overall score by multiplying the points in columns 2 and 3 eg if a negative consequence is unlikely (1 point) but if it happened the impact would be high (3 points), the overall score will be 3.
Anything scoring 6 points or more must be reported to the ICO and to the individuals concerned. |
What happened? When did it happen? How did it happen? Who has been affected?
List all the possible consequences of the data being lost, altered or accessed by an unauthorised person |
How likely is it there will be negative consequences? 1, 2, 3 points |
How severe would negative consequences be? 1, 2, 3 points |
Combined |
Continue on another sheet if necessary
Form completed by .............................................................. Date .................................................

Jed joined us in 2015. He has over 25 years experience in the hairdressing industry and after train...